Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Deodorant is conformed to genders

 As a competitive soccer player I know what it's like to become very close with a team.  I was at a tournament with U18 team soccer team and I noticed that a lot of the girls had Old Spice deodorant. I had never seen this before, because I always wore Dove deodorant. That's what my my mom had always gotten me.
And Old spice is a guy's deodorant anyway…
I eventually asked one of the teammates, Paige,why she had the Old Spice deodorant. She told me that it lasted longer and it smells better. Turns out she is right.
Looking back on this encounter I thought it was weird at first to be wearing a "guy" product.  But as it turns out the Old Spice deodorant is a better product in general. This advertising has made me realize that we are such a gender specific society. I went to target The other day and I noticed that the shampoos,conditioners, deodorants, body washes and lotions are all gender specific to guys or girls. But as I realized a lot of times the guys will have better body care product. But yet I am targeted toward the women's product, because at first I felt odd about buying a "guy" body care.

What I have learned is it over all doesn't matter.  The customer needs to learn which product is the best and attempt to shut down what the advertiser or media tells us. No matter if it is a "guy" or "girl's" product at the end of the day who is really going to care.
I will admit that even though it is considered a "guy's" product, I wear the old spice deodorant  because it is the better product.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Personality Quizzes: What flower are you?

I speak for everyone when I say the biggest waste of time is taking online quizzes.  However, I learn so much about myself and who i am as a person.  My homie Ben and I were having an intense talk about online quizzes, so we ended up taking one to find out what flower we are.
As it turns out I am a daisy and Ben is heather. But taking this quiz made me reflect on other personality quizzes i have taken in the past and how off topic they are. Because what does my favorite drink have to do with what flower I am? Whoever makes these quizzes have their own view on what is being tested.  Because personally, I don't understand why a daisy means  "Friendly, sociable and easy-going, you take life as it comes, are always patient and always kind." 
The only quiz I have ever taken was being sorted into a Harry Potter house and even then I got different answers on the 6 I took. (1 for Hufflepuff, 3 for Gryffindor, 2 for Slytherin) Which doesn't make sense, because I am clearly a snake. Besides the point, quizzes are a way to stay in touch with characters and identify with them, which I think is really rewarding.
Overall, quizzes help people categorize themselves. I understand that it's important to want to feel like you belong, and taking quizzes can help achieve this.  But the real reason why personality quizzes exist is for me to find out what flower I am and eventually use that flower as my bouquet in my wedding.

(Ben and I)

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Caveman spongebob got me so weak

 Listen I know this might be the dumbest post ever, but I just cannot ignore the new trend going around Twitter and other social medias.  It's not even really a trend but more a meme, and it has nothing to do with advertisement.  I just need to make a comment about it, because every time I see ta new post I just think it is the most creative and funniest thing ever. If you didn't read the title its about the Caveman spongebob posts and how true they are. I see the guy and I can just relate.  For example, the one about how you trying to leave school and you hear the golf cart coming.  The caveman sponge bob is my actual reaction.  I showed up to school one day and I knew my shorts were not fingertip length, but come on who am I distracting? Anyway I could hear the golf cart lady riding up so close behind me and I had to play it so cool, you don't even know. I had to point out this meme, because it's my favorite one so far.

Thursday, June 2, 2016


 In my class critical thinking, we finished the documentary called Missrepresentation. I really liked this documentary because if it's perspective and outlook on women in media. It's something that I've seen and I know it's a relevant, but just hard to accept into my society where  so many people seem to be encouraging of "the true self." I know i bring this up a lot, but on Twitter I've noticed a common trend of users telling other people to be themselves and to be who they are. But once people except to the yard and attempt to pursue their dreams, they are put into boxes and criticized.  And it's just not fair for men and women.
Female expectations are so outrageous and unfair these days. We are set to a different standard then men, because it is an old habit. why must women always be a joke or a burden? We are expected to be all these great and impossible things all at once and it's unfair for women who redefine that standard. Women that don't complete the standard  are looked at as odd, and are even discriminated by males. The more I identify it, the more upset I get.
An example of this would be on Jimmy Kimmel's tv show. I watch it sometimes, not regularly, but when I do try and look for the segment "meet the animals!" I used to be a really big Animal Planet fan, so I enjoy when Dave Salmoni brings out animals.  But something I've noticed in recent shows, is Jimmy making fun of himself for not being masculine enough to hold the animals. And then he feels embarrassed that women come out to take the animals. This doesn't have a huge connection the Missrepresentation, but I do think it is relevant in the fact that women are treated like this and put on television.
Connected to the Jimmy Kimmel Tv show segment, the media and important figure or role models need to be more informed and aware of sexual comments. Feminist degrading words are so over used that it almost appears to be funny if a women is better then a man. It's unfair to assume these things, so in order to fix what we have broken, I believe the media needs to learn how to censor these very rude, sexist comments.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

The Art of Happiness

"An intriguing encounter between East and West." (Mail on Sunday)   The Art of Happiness is an incredible book by the Dalai Lama that I read last summer, but I look at it time to time whenever I feel like I need help or to chill.  I wanted to write about this book, because it is a very important non-fiction that I believe everybody should read in order to achieve happiness. The book is targeted towards Westerners, because the Dalai Lama is interviewed by Howard C Cutler  who asked the Dalai Lama western situations.   For example, there's an entire section on love. Whether it is mature love, young love, dead love or getting over a relationship, the Dalai Lama talks about closure and letting go. There's a great section in there about spirituality, and I look to it when I'm feeling the meditation vibes.  Spirituality is very important to his people. Peacefulness has overcome the Dalai Lama, because with all the torture they've been through and everything that is people has had to put up with,  he has found a way to overcome all these pain fulfilling and apply Buddhism to balance and complete his spirit.  I really enjoyed this book because I think it's admirable that the Dalai Lama agreed to do this interview and trying to connect to people that live in a different human experience then Asian Buddhists. I think it's important that everybody deals with their problems and attempts to find a balance and spiritual freedom.

Image result for the dalai lama and the presidentImage result for the dalai lama the art of happiness

Saturday, May 21, 2016

"This is my part nobody else speak"

Kanye's album Life of Pablo is fairly awful. I'm sorry and I'm a very big fan of Yeezus and Graduation that it shames me to dislike Life of Pablo so much. But come on compared to the intensity and creativity of Yeezus, Life of Pablo is a disgrace. I listened to the whole album on the way to San Francisco and I just did not like it. There was a few songs that I actually did like such as Feedback, Waves and I Love Kanye (even though it was stolen from SNL.) I did enjoy these songs because of their originality and not so hip hop persona.  Which is new and respectable, but thats what the people love.  Kanye without hip hop where??
Although I have to say Ultralight Beam got me on some hype, because Chance the Rapper in that is beautiful.  Some of my favorite lyrics in the song include:
You can feel the lyrics, the spirit coming in braille
Tubman of the underground, come and follow the trail
I made Sunday Candy, I'm never going to hell
I met Kanye West, I'm never going to fail
He said let's do a good ass job with Chance three
I hear you gotta sell it to snatch the Grammy
Let's make it so free and the bars so hard
That there ain't one gosh darn part you can't tweet
This is my part, nobody else speak
This is my part, nobody else speak
This little light of mine

Glory be to God, yeah
Like I said BEAUTIFUL. With the disappointment that Life of Pablo was, Ultralight Beam was much needed.

(quality is bad I know, but only video I could find from the SNL episode)

Friday, May 20, 2016

Rihanna's Anti is bomb

As a lover of Rihanna and her music I cannot say enough good things about her new album Anti. First of all, Might I just say that Rihanna is the most beautiful person I have seen. And it's not just me there is a total out pour of people on twitter that seriously need to chill and calm their raving about
Rihanna. I have found over 100 Rihanna fan accounts on Twitter, people these days.

But the album is really good. I have to say it is a lot slower then her past albums, but I like that because it makes Anti feel a lot more R&B then pop. The album has a theme about being single and vulnerable with the songs: Consideration, Woo, James Joint and Never Ending.  The other songs are angry messages towards exes: Kiss it Better, Desperado, Needed me, and Yeah I Said it. The rest are about young and new love: Work, Love on the Brain, Higher and Close to You. I also very much enjoy the modest beats of all the songs. Unlike her other pop albums that sound like bubblegum, Anti features more meaning full and keyboard and vocal focused songs. I love Rihanna and her successful Album Anti. Cannot say enough good things about this bop!