I speak for everyone when I say the biggest waste of time is taking online quizzes. However, I learn so much about myself and who i am as a person. My homie Ben and I were having an intense talk about online quizzes, so we ended up taking one to find out what flower we are.
As it turns out I am a daisy and Ben is heather. But taking this quiz made me reflect on other personality quizzes i have taken in the past and how off topic they are. Because what does my favorite drink have to do with what flower I am? Whoever makes these quizzes have their own view on what is being tested. Because personally, I don't understand why a daisy means "Friendly, sociable and easy-going, you take life as it comes, are always patient and always kind."
The only quiz I have ever taken was being sorted into a Harry Potter house and even then I got different answers on the 6 I took. (1 for Hufflepuff, 3 for Gryffindor, 2 for Slytherin) Which doesn't make sense, because I am clearly a snake. Besides the point, quizzes are a way to stay in touch with characters and identify with them, which I think is really rewarding.
Overall, quizzes help people categorize themselves. I understand that it's important to want to feel like you belong, and taking quizzes can help achieve this. But the real reason why personality quizzes exist is for me to find out what flower I am and eventually use that flower as my bouquet in my wedding.
(Ben and I)
Your Mr.right is coming this year. Which man will become your husband ? Take this fun and simple personality quiz to find out. Click here Quiz Quotient