Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Deodorant is conformed to genders

 As a competitive soccer player I know what it's like to become very close with a team.  I was at a tournament with U18 team soccer team and I noticed that a lot of the girls had Old Spice deodorant. I had never seen this before, because I always wore Dove deodorant. That's what my my mom had always gotten me.
And Old spice is a guy's deodorant anyway…
I eventually asked one of the teammates, Paige,why she had the Old Spice deodorant. She told me that it lasted longer and it smells better. Turns out she is right.
Looking back on this encounter I thought it was weird at first to be wearing a "guy" product.  But as it turns out the Old Spice deodorant is a better product in general. This advertising has made me realize that we are such a gender specific society. I went to target The other day and I noticed that the shampoos,conditioners, deodorants, body washes and lotions are all gender specific to guys or girls. But as I realized a lot of times the guys will have better body care product. But yet I am targeted toward the women's product, because at first I felt odd about buying a "guy" body care.

What I have learned is it over all doesn't matter.  The customer needs to learn which product is the best and attempt to shut down what the advertiser or media tells us. No matter if it is a "guy" or "girl's" product at the end of the day who is really going to care.
I will admit that even though it is considered a "guy's" product, I wear the old spice deodorant  because it is the better product.


  1. I think also has to do with what each gender looks for in a product. Stereotypically, women are wooed by the brand's colors and product shape, with the product use and benefits second. Men are found to not care about the product appearance as much as the product use.

  2. Along with the deodorants being targeted at specific genders by appearance, they also do it with their words. In the pictures that you gave of each deodorant, the Dove one says "go sleeveless," which is very obviously only meant for women, as they are typically the ones worried about their sleeveless tops/dresses, not guys. For the Old Spice one, it says "Pure Sport," which is probably meant to sound more masculine and strong, like there are some hardcore athletic guys who use this product.

  3. The fact that people can make deodorant even downplay women if crazy. Men's deodorant is strong smelling and people think it is for strong, hardworking people, so of course its men's. And women's deodorant is sweet smelling, meant for people who don't do a lot. I think it very funny that deodorant is gender specific because a lot of the time I wear "men's" deodorant and walk around telling everybody that I smell like a man.
