Saturday, June 4, 2016

Caveman spongebob got me so weak

 Listen I know this might be the dumbest post ever, but I just cannot ignore the new trend going around Twitter and other social medias.  It's not even really a trend but more a meme, and it has nothing to do with advertisement.  I just need to make a comment about it, because every time I see ta new post I just think it is the most creative and funniest thing ever. If you didn't read the title its about the Caveman spongebob posts and how true they are. I see the guy and I can just relate.  For example, the one about how you trying to leave school and you hear the golf cart coming.  The caveman sponge bob is my actual reaction.  I showed up to school one day and I knew my shorts were not fingertip length, but come on who am I distracting? Anyway I could hear the golf cart lady riding up so close behind me and I had to play it so cool, you don't even know. I had to point out this meme, because it's my favorite one so far.


  1. Your article was pretty funny. It reminds me just how much women are almost prejudiced against. I loved the meme though! Man, you got me weak! Also, why cant they just let you express yourself? Seriously, its our job as a society to make something tabboo, not the golf cart lady's. She is not the one who should decide for all of the students at CKM "whats appropriate" espescially when it is relative to the comfort of each individual student. If person x is wearing inappropriate clothing, we should speak up to them and tell them.This is harsh, but the humiliation would make them stop wearing these "socially unacceptable clothing items." Instead, we have a gold cart lady who just says "change your clothes," which makes people only want to wear what they did have on more.

    1. I mostly agree with what you are saying about the dress code, but I want to point out that I don't think it's our society's business to decide what women can and cannot wear. Thank you for the feed back and I actually plan to do a separate media blog on this subject!
